Ward and City Services
Just A Standard Page
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The Chicago Office of the City Clerk provides the following services and functions:
Collecting, docketing and securely storing the City’s official records, namely City Council legislation
Providing public access to legislation, laws, records and reports
Selling City Vehicle Stickers for approximately 1.3 million vehicles. Funds from the city’s “wheel tax” help maintain Chicago’s 4,000 miles of streets.
Selling Residential Zone Parking Permits
Issuing automatic amusement device license
Administering KIDS ID and Medical ID programs
Accepting passport applications
Administering the City’s dog registration program
Residential Parking Permits
Office Locations:
City Hall Office
121 North LaSalle St
Room 107
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm
Sat – Sun: Closed
North Side Satellite Office
5430 West Gale St
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat – Sun: Closed
South Side Satellite Office
5674 South Archer Ave
Unit A
M – F: 9am – 5pm
Sat – Sun: Closed
The Mission of the Department of Streets and Sanitation is to provide a safe and healthy environment on the streets and alleys of Chicago through the effective management of the collection, disposal and recycling of residential refuse, the sweeping and plowing of streets, the timely removal of graffiti, the cleaning of vacant lots, the demolition of garages, the efficient towing of illegally parked vehicles, the abatement of rodents and the planting, trimming and removal of trees, of which the finished product meets or exceeds the industry standards and best practices.
What They Do:
Sanitation and Waste Reduction (Garbage, Street Sweeping, Recycling, and Zero Waste)
Street Operations (Snow Removal, Lot Cleaning and Weed Cutting)
Traffic Services (Vehicle Removal/Towing & Special Events Enforcement)
Street Cleaning Schedule
Chicago uses mechanical street sweepers that operate year-round except during inclement winter weather.
To ensure curb-to-curb street cleaning, temporary parking restrictions are posted the day before the work is scheduled to begin on any street.
Some arterial streets have permanently posted signs that specify a once-per-week period when parking is prohibited for street sweeping. Persons needing more than one day notice of street cleaning should contact their local ward sanitation office. Street sweeping requests should be made to city’s request line at 3-1-1 or click on the button below to make your request.
The Chicago Department of Transportation’s mission is to keep the city’s surface transportation networks and public way safe for users, environmentally sustainable, in a state of good repair and attractive, so that its diverse residents, businesses and guests all enjoy a variety of quality transportation options, regardless of ability or destination.
CDOT’s vision is to ensure that Chicago continues to be a vibrant international city, successfully competing in the global economy with a transportation system that provides high-quality service to residents, businesses, and visitors – a system that offers a solid foundation for the city, regional and national economies, yet is sensitive to its communities and environment.
What They Do
Pot Hole Tracker (click to learn More)
The map on this page shows potholes patched by the Department of Transportation in the last seven days, based on the corresponding 311 service requests.
When crews respond to a 311 pothole request, they fill all additional potholes on that block. Click a dot on the map to see potholes filled by address, the date the request was completed, and the total number of potholes filled on a particular block. Duplicate service requests have been removed.
Realtime traffic information for the City of Chicago.
The City of Chicago is committed to building Complete Streets to ensure that everyone – pedestrians, transit users,bicyclists and motorists – can travel safely and comfortably along and across a street. Complete Streets give Chicagoans of all ages and abilities safer, cheaper, and healthier travel options. They support economic development and can incorporate environmental services and placemaking, which helps to create sustainable infrastructure and communities. The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is working to bring these benefits to your community.
The Department of Buildings supports the safety and quality of life for the residents and visitors of the City of Chicago through enforcement of the Chicago Building Code. The permitting and inspection process promotes high quality design standards as well as the conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of the City’s existing buildings.
What They Do:
Building Permits
Building permits give you, your insurance company, neighbors and the City assurance that specific minimum standards are met in constructing, repairing or altering your home or building by complying with the Chicago Building Code. These standards are intended to protect the integrity of the buildings, the welfare of the public and your safety.
Life Safety Evaluations (LSE)
The City of Chicago’s Life Safety and High Rise Sprinkler Ordinances will better protect the lives of building occupants in pre-1975 high-rise buildings by requiring enhanced, more stringent and effective safety measures in both residential and commercial high-rise buildings. In addition to requiring sprinklers in most commercial high-rise buildings, the ordinance also requires residential high-rise building owners to submit thorough Life Safety Evaluations to the City.
For more information please click here.